Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pelicans are a Common bird in fact...

Some consider them a nuisance, they way we from Ohio consider pigeons to be.  But I find that pelicans are a very interesting bird...They seem a little bit gawky and awkward, perhaps because they are so large, but when in flight they glide easily through the breeze. Watching them "Take Flight" or land, for that matter, is an awesome sight, to me!
This photo was taken on a boat ride near Fisherman's Village in Punta Gorda, FL.

 And this last pelican photo was taken on that same boat ride! This is mostly what pelican seem to like to do...sit on a post!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

FLorida PHotography

The above photo was recently taken on the "beach" in Punta Gorda, FLorida, where I now reside in the winter months. It's been fun since November down here, and I am scheduling my return to Ohio in early May!!

Here is a photo of the burrowing owls, little guys, found in a subdivision...They are a protected species!!! And VERY cute!!!

And lastly today, is a photo of what I call,, Pelican City...taken at Ponce de Leon Park in Punta Gorda, FL.

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